Thursday, December 17, 2015

What's The Microsoft Visual C Runtime Library

Most casual computer users will never have to deal with the Microsoft Visual C/C++ Run-Time Library or any other specialized programming tool. If you experience a run-time library error, it can be aggravating. However, it's not the end of the world: There are several ways to recover from these common malfunctions.

What is a Run-Time Library?

The run-time library is like a programmer's tool box. It holds a variety of instruments, each of which gives a C or C++ programmer access to other utilities within the Windows Operating System.

Why Do I Need a Run-Time Library?

The run-time library is an integral part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System. Many programs that run under Windows are C or C++ compiled executable files. They require the run-time library to access other portions of the operating system.

Run-Time Defined

Run-time itself is fairly simple: It is the time during which a program is running. For instance, if you start Outlook Express, check your mail, and shut it back down, the amount of time it was up was its run-time.

Run-Time Error!

Run-time errors mean the program experienced a problem it couldn't handle while it was running. If you've got a run-time error, the first step to take is to ensure your system is clean.

System Cleaning

Run anti-virus, spyware and malicious software removal tools to purge the system. Next, clean and repair the Windows Registry: Many run-time errors are caused by corrupt registry entries.

Other Libraries

Windows uses a variety of run-time libraries to get everything done. The Visual BASIC run-time library is probably the next most commonly associated with Windows applications.