Monday, September 15, 2014

Art Projects Including Movement


Creating art projects that move bring another element into the design. Projects can look different from different angles. When working on projects that are created to move, be sure to finish all sides, front, back, top and bottom for a consistent look. Art can be made from found items and recycled parts to keep the cost down.


Create mobiles out of whatever material you have on hand. A simple mobile can be made from sheets of construction paper and string. Cut a large circle out of one sheet of construction paper. Now take your scissors and cut a long spiral shape from this circle. Tape one end of the spiral shape to a piece of string. This is the base of the mobile. Add colorful cut-out butterflies or other shapes to different places on the spiral shape with pieces of string and tape.


Puppets are another art project designed to move. Make puppets by attaching a cut-out drawing to a craft stick. Put on a show with these basic puppets. Consider recreating characters from a favorite story book and using the puppets to act it out.

Create hand puppets from a sock, piece of cardboard and scraps of material. Cut a piece of cardboard into a half circle shape. Fold in half and insert into a sock. This is the mouth. Decorate the sock puppet by painting, adding eyes, hair and other accessories.

Dancing Bracelets

Incorporate music and dance into your art class by making dancing bracelets. You will need empty paper towel rolls, glue, tissue paper and crepe paper streamers, ribbons, yarn or strips of fabric. Cut the paper towel roll into one-inch sections and decorate these bracelets by gluing on torn pieces of tissue paper. Attach the streamers of your choice to the bracelet. Turn on music and watch this art project come to life.