Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Comic Costume Ideas

Comic book characters make great Halloween costumes.

When you are trying to decide what you want to dress up as for Halloween, remember that there are a great number of different comic book characters that make quick, easy and memorable costume ideas for anyone from small children to adults.


Dressing up as Batman for Halloween can be one of the easiest costume ideas as well as one of the most easily recognizable ones. All you need is a black cape, a black mask to cover your eyes and some black felt and you can become Batman. Batman is a great last-second costume idea, and if you don't have time to go out and find a real authentic Batman costume, the materials listed above can be found at just about any arts and crafts store, or they may even be lying around your house.

The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk is another surprisingly easy, but classic Halloween costume idea. With an old ripped t-shirt, a pair of old sweatpants or jeans with holes in them, and some green body or face paint, you can become the Incredible Hulk and have a great Halloween costume in just a few minutes. From the Incredible Hulk comic book series, television series and movies, the main character of the Hulk is a costume that is quick, easy to make and fun.


Superman is one of the most popular comic book heroes of all time and he is certainly one of the most popular Halloween costumes every year. A Superman costume can be found at just about any Halloween costume store, however if your budget doesn't allow for a complete costume set, all you need is Superman's trademark "S" on a plain blue t-shirt and a red cape to go with it.

If you really want to be creative and different, a much cheaper and easier alternative would be to simply wear a button-up dress shirt with a blue t-shirt underneath and jeans. Add a pair of glasses to go with it and you can be Clark Kent.


With some red, black and white face paint, you can become the Joker for Halloween. This costume idea has gained a lot of popularity in recent years after the release of the Hollywood blockbuster "The Dark Knight," and it is a very easy and inexpensive Halloween costume idea for just about anybody.