Monday, July 27, 2015

Reink Stamps

Photo of a stamp set

Rubber stamping has become a big hit for crafters. They can be used to embellish just about anything from cards to clothing. They come in so many different styles and designs that a crafter can create any design desired. Inks vary from the traditional to the brightest neon colors available. Sometimes sold as a separate item, stamps can also be sold in sets with the ink and stamp all in one. What happens if you forget to cover the stamp's ink before storing, and it dries out? Throwing them away is not the only option--you can re-ink those dried out stamps to be as good as new.


1. Decide what color you would like to re-ink the stamp pad with. By doing some mixing, you could probably get a color that is similar, or very close to the pre-existing one.

2. Mix the clothing dye, alcohol and glycerin in a small bowl. By adding different dyes, you can achieve the color.

3. Pour the freshly mixed ink over the old stamp pad until it looks saturated, but don't overdo it.

4. Save the remainder of the ink in a travel bottle for later use. The mixing process will offer leftover dye, so you can store it for the future when the ink pad has dried out again.

5. Allow the pad to set for several minutes before use. This will give the foam a chance to soak up the liquid.

6. Stamp away. Remember to cover your stamp pad when you are done.