Friday, August 14, 2015

Begin A Girl Band

Starting a band is always exhilarating. The joy of playing music that you love with a group of people that you connect with can be amazing, if done properly. Girl bands must employ the right tactics to get themselves heard. In many ways, it can be more difficult to make it in a girl band, but the success can be extremely gratifying. Learn start your own girl band.


1. Determine what kind of music your band will be playing. Various genres are available to girl bands: ska, punk, rock, hip hop, country, etc. It's important to have an idea of which market you will appeal to. Listen to a few of your favorite bands and see if you can pinpoint what about their sound attracts you, so you can find your musical passion.

2. Ask your friends if they would like to be in your band. Pick friends that you get along with easily and that you know you would work well with. Explain to them your vision for the band, and take some of their ideas so you can develop a sound and image.

3. Decide who will play what instrument and who will be the lead singer. Ideally this role should be determined through an audition process in which a knowledgeable and unbiased third party would determine the best singer from the group. Record different people playing different instruments and singing lead, then decide as a group which combination sounds best.

4. Write songs or commission someone to write songs for your band. The songs should reflect your musical genre, aesthetic and personality. Rehearse regularly and ensure that your sound is cohesive. You want to create something marketable and music that would be attractive to a specific market.

5. Search for an agent to promote your band. You could pick a family member, or you could hire someone. Your chosen agent should be savvy enough to market you to possible venues and should have some connections in the music industry to help you get gigs. Record a demo after working tirelessly to produce a polished and professional sound.