Monday, October 19, 2015

Draw A Witch On Her Behalf Broom

Drawing a witch on a broom can be a challege for new artist.

Witches are known for their Halloween appearances and can be a challenge to draw when sitting on a broom. Artists are taught to use an action line when creating figures to catch their animated movement. Once they have captured the action, they then lay out basic shapes to start creating the body form. This technique makes drawing a skill most people are able to master, especially when they start with a simple drawing such as a witch on a broomstick.


1. Lightly sketch an action line to represent the witch flying on a broom. The line should start off horizontal to represent the witch's back, and then curve to a vertical line to represent the witch sitting. Add another horizontal line for the witch's legs hanging down. (See reference 1)

2. Draw a slanted horizontal line between the vertical line and horizontal line of the legs to represent the broom stick.

3. Lightly sketch in basic shapes that represent the witch's body such as an oval for the body, a triangle for the hat and a triangle for the face to emphasize a pointed chin. Add ovals for the feet and hands.

4. Add definition to the chin by rounding off the pointed end of the triangle.

5. Add details to the hand by drawing three ovals to represent the fingers and one for the thumb

6. Add details to the face such as a nose, mouth, eyes and broom. Add a wart or two on the face by creating a circle with a couple of lines coming out to represent hair.

7. Add an upward curved diagonal line to the top of the head to represent the brim of the witch's hat. Create details to the hat by drawing a sideways 8 on top of the brim and an upside-down V on top of the 8.

8. Shade in the right side of the 8 to create depth, and then add vertical slanted lines coming down to represent the witch's stringing hair.

9. Adjust any lines by erasing those that are not needed and reinforce others.