Monday, October 19, 2015

Lighted Snowman Jar Crafts

Lighted Snowman Jar Crafts

The cold and darkness of the winter months can force many people to hole up in their homes and suffer the boredom that often results from too much time spent indoors. Seasonal crafts can help alleviate that boredom, and jar crafts have the added bonus of recycling old glass jars into festive home decorations.

Sponge Paint Snowman Jar

Buy miniature snowman-shaped craft sponges, which are available at many craft stores. Wash out a small glass jar. Dip one of your craft sponges in white paint and press it onto the jar. Repeat, leaving several inches of space between the snowmen. Fill in details, like eyes, nose, mouth and scarf, with a small paintbrush after the white paint has dried. Place a tealight candle inside the jar and light it. The light will shine between the painted-on snowmen.

Pickle Jar Snowman

Purchase a glass pickle jar, frosted paint and a large ivy bowl that is not fluted at the top. The ivy bowl will be used as a head for your snowman. Drill a hole (use a one-inch bit) in the back of the pickle jar. Insert a strand of 20 miniature Christmas lights. Put five or six bulbs from the strand into the ivy bowl, tape them together, and let the rest fall into the pickle jar. Make sure that the plug remains outside of the hole that you drilled. Use a glue gun to adhere the ivy bowl to the top of the pickle jar. Wrap a festive strip of fabric around the "neck" of the snowman to serve as a scarf. Using frosted paint, add eyes, nose and mouth. Plug in the Christmas lights and watch your jar craft light up the room.

Potpurri and Lights Jar

Use super glue to attach a small plastic snowman to the bottom of a Mason jar. Arrange a strand of 20 Christmas lights and one bag of pine or holiday-scented potpourri around the snowman. Leave the plug for the lights outside of the jar. Secure a blue or white doily over the lid of the jar with a rubber band. Hide the rubber band with ribbon. Plug in the Christmas lights, which will heat the potpourri and release its fragrance.