Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Help Make Your Own Superman Sign

Paint the Superman logo in bright red and yellow.

The Superman logo is one of the most instantly recognizable superhero emblems worldwide. After DC Comics introduced Superman with the large "S" emblazoned across his chest in the 1930s, many comic superheroes soon emulated the look, featuring costumes with large logos of their own. Boldly colored in red and yellow, the Superman emblem has become an iconic symbol of heroism and super powers. Creating your own Superman sign simply requires a little time and patience.


1. Use a ruler and pencil to create the Superman pentagon on your paper or cardboard. One simple way to create the pentagon is to draw a square, rotate it so that it is a diamond shape, and cut the top off of the diamond.

2. Draw a line with your ruler all the way around the inside of the pentagon to create a border. Adjust the width of your border based on how large you are making your emblem.

3. Draw the negative spaces that create the "S" rather than the "S" itself. (Because the "S" is squished and skewed, drawing the "S" itself is more difficult.) Using your picture of the emblem as a guide, start by drawing the upper-left corner shape that creates the upper-left curve of the "S."

4. Draw the large curved shape that creates the right-side curve of the "S" on the right side of the shield. Pay close attention to getting the square tip of the "S" right. Draw lightly and erase and redraw until the shape matches your picture.

5. Draw the large curved shape that creates the lower left curve of the "S" on the lower left of the shield, and the small triangle at the bottom that creates the bottom border of the "S." Make sure to get the circular tip at the bottom of the "S" right.

6. Paint or color the "S" and border in red and the remaining spaces in yellow. Cut out the emblem and glue it to foam board, or cardboard cut to the same shape.