Monday, November 30, 2015

Get Marching Band Uniforms

Get Marching Band Uniforms

Listening to a marching band is invigorating, but these outfits don't have the same impact without matching uniforms. Whether you're looking for a standard uniform or something custom-designed, plenty of companies are available to help enhance a marching band's overall appearance.


1. Buy books with information about what kind of uniforms are appropriate for marching bands, such as "The Marching Band Handbook" compiled by Kim Holston.

2. Request catalogs from companies that sell marching band uniforms, such as The Bandmans Company or Band Shoppe. Having several catalogs to look through will help you compare prices and decide where to order uniforms. Along with your catalog, some companies will also send you swatch samples to compare colors and material textures.

3. Browse online catalogs when print catalogs aren't available. Ictus Limited and Stanbury Uniforms both have detailed catalogs on their Web sites along with other useful information on sizing, pricing and color choices.

4. Determine which company offers the best uniforms in your price range, but remember cheaper is not always better and the most expensive isn't always necessary.

5. Make a list of each marching band member's sizes or get their measurements so you can compare them to a sizing chart. Uniform companies usually have charts to determine which size will fit best, but if they don't, request more information on choose the correct sizes.

6. Raise money to purchase uniforms. Unless the marching band's school or other athletic organization is paying for the uniforms, fund-raisers are good sources of money for marching band uniforms.

7. Order the band's uniforms once you've found what you want and raised the required money.