Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Do-it-yourself Home Photography Lighting

Beauty lighting is also known as butterfly lighting.

Setting up an at-home photography studio requires the proper equipment, and lighting techniques are needed for a variety of photo shoots. Three lighting techniques you may consider are Rembrandt lighting (portrait lighting), Beauty lighting (reduces imperfections on face) and cameo lighting (spotlight lighting).


1. Use Rembrandt lighting for your photography. Choose a location where you want to take the portrait photograph. Use one spotlight for your key light. The spotlight should be about 40 to 45 degrees to the camera's position. Raise the spotlight about 4 feet above the person's head or object to create hard shadows. Use a reflector to create softer lights if the lights are too sharp.

2. Create beauty, or butterfly, lighting for your photo shoots. Set your lights eye level with the subject to create a natural light and to prevent the back light from overpowering the front light. The light should create a rim of light on top of the person's head for an angelic look. Position the back light. Allow the back light to rest 4 to 5 feet away from the person or object. Set up the back light about 2 or 3 feet higher than the front light. This will create a ream light that will strike the top of the person's head. You can also place an umbrella on the flash head and use a reflector to fill in the shadows that will camouflage the subject's imperfections.

3. Set up your cameo lighting. Place your camera onto a tripod for a steady photo. Use backgrounds to create the effect. Position the spotlight above the subject so it shines down on the subject. Set up the lights approximately 7 feet above the person. Point the light directly down at the subject from a very high angle.