Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Do Latin & Salsa Dancing

Latin and salsa dancing are hugely popular in the United States and abroad. The term Latin dance encompasses both social dancing and ballroom dancing. Latin dances originated in the Caribbean and Latin America. Dances from these regions include salsa, samba, rumba, mambo, cha cha, danza, tumba, cumbia and bachata, among others. Salsa dance mixes European and African dance influences. Salsa is usually danced with a partner, but there are some solo forms to the dance, such as "suelta," or line dancing, and Rueda de Casino, where salsa is danced in a circle and people exchange partners.


1. Decide what type of Latin or Salsa dance you want to do. Decide whether you want to dance socially or learn ballroom.

2. Find a dance class or school that offers lessons in the type of dance you want to do.

3. Once you pick a class or school get a class schedule and decide how often you want to take classes and how many hours per week.

4. Purchase dance shoes. Some dance shoes can be pricey; check discount dance stores and online retailers for bargains.

5. Gather or purchase lightweight clothes such as tank tops, T-shirts, shorts, socks or tights. Wearing an old shirt and jeans also works well.

6. Arrive early to your first dance class and enjoy!