Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Earn Money From Metal Art

Metal art is where you turn metal into sculptures. Metal art is labor intensive, but the end results can be breathtaking. Metal sculptures range in size from small enough to fit on a table to towering creations designed to decorate a yard. There is a market for these metallic creations, which can be sleek and modern or rustic in their charm.


1. Get a website and keep it simple. The home page of the website should be your bio. Upload quality photos of your work, a brief description of the inspiration behind each piece and the price of the pieces. Let your work speak for itself. Make sure your Web host offers a shopping cart script, which most business Web hosts do.

2. Attend flea markets, craft fairs and art shows regularly. Consult a listing for regular events (see Resources section). Metal art is popular at these events and can result in a good source of income for the metal artist.

3. Consider publishing a photographic essay of your work. Not only will a photographic book be a good record of some of your best pieces, it will also act as an ongoing advertisement that gets passed around.

4. Take on side jobs doing architectural work for homes and businesses. Your metal art can provide architectural beauty to a variety of landscapes and buildings and bring in a good, steady paycheck. Advertise your services in local papers or even consider placing ads in nationwide architectural magazines.