Friday, May 15, 2015

Make Lens Filters

Polarized Filter Made from Colored Lens

Lens filters are used to change the way light or colors are recorded by the camera. They can be used on digital cameras or SLR (Single-Lens Reflex) cameras by simply holding them or attaching them in front of the lens. There are two common types of filters that most photographers will find useful in their day-to-day shooting. Color filters change the color of the image, while polarizing filters enhance the color concentration and reduce reflections (see Reference 1). Both types of photography filters are easy to make inexpensively.


Color Filters

1. Using a mat knife, cut a hole in the plastic lid that is a little bigger in diameter than your camera lens.

2. Poke a hole in each side of the lid with the point of the knife.

3. Cut a piece of cellophane that is the same diameter as the plastic lid.

4. Run a thin strip of glue around the edge of the lid and lay the cellophane down on the glue. Let the glue dry.

5. Cut 6 inches of elastic and thread it through the holes on each side of the lid. Tie the ends of the elastic in a knot so that it cannot slip out of the holes. To use the filter, slide it over the lens and stretch the elastic around the body of the camera.

Polarizing Filters

6. Pop the lens out of the sunglasses by using your thumbs to push on the lens while the rest of your hand holds the frame.

7. Cut a hole in your plastic lid that is a little bit smaller than the sunglasses' lens.

8. Punch a small hole in each side of the lid's rim with the point of the knife.

9. Use masking tape or duct tape to secure the lens to the lid. A strip of tape on each side will keep the lens in place. Make sure that the tape doesn't obscure the view of the camera lens.

10. Cut 6 inches of elastic. Thread it through the holes on each side of the lid and tie the ends of the elastic in a knot. Make sure that the knots cannot slip out of the holes. Use the filter by sliding it over the lens and stretching the elastic around the body of the camera.