Thursday, May 14, 2015

Make Wax Conforms For Plaster

You can make plaster replicas of almost anything, including body parts, with Flexwax, a product of Amaco. It is solid at room temperature and melts at 120 degrees Fahrenheit, a comfortably warm temperature that allows contact with skin without burning. You can also make molds from inanimate objects with Flexwax as well. Though there are other wax products you can use, such as carveable wax and sculpting wax, the ease of using Flexwax is a good introduction to mold making.


1. Apply petroleum jelly liberally on the model or other item from which you will take the mold.

2. Place the Flexwax in the double boiler and place that on the stove.

3. Turn the heat to low and increase the temperature very slowly until the wax melts completely. Reduce the heat until the wax is at 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Brush the wax onto the model or item from which you will make the mold. Alternatively, you can dip the item or body part into the melted wax, or you can pour the wax over the item you wish to mold. Quickly apply cheesecloth strips to cover the entire surface of the wax, then apply a second coat of wax. The wax will begin to harden immediately.

5. Remove the hardened wax mold. You may have to cut the wax mold away from the item. If so, cut the mold into two more or less equal halves and reattach them by brushing more melted wax over the seams.

6. Plunge the entire mold into cold water to harden it further. Now it is ready for the plaster to be poured in.