Monday, May 18, 2015

Make Affordable Demon Wings

The big screen movie makers have millions of dollars to create stunning effects but you are not that lucky. Despite lack in funds there is no reason why you cannot have great effects really cheap. You have probably seen many people at a Renaissance Faire or Fairy Fest wearing wings. Making demon wings for your gothic horror movie or just for Halloween fun is not too hard and is fairly cheap. This article will show you make your own set of demon wings.


1. Using your paper and pencil draw out your structural design on how you would like your wings to look in final stage.

2. Setup your large plywood work surface.

3. Use your ruler and square out the length and height of the final wings directly to your work surface.

4. Draw your design full scale onto the plywood work surface to use as your form pattern making sure to not forget the bones or tendons in the wings that form the ridges and hold the form.

5. Measure the pattern and apply the measurements to the wire and cut out the lengths that you need.

6. Using your full scale drawing as a guide lay your cut wire onto the table and bend and shape it to meet your drawn guidelines.

7. Lay your foam out over the wire and cut out a piece large enough to cover the wings when fully extended.

8. Place the cut out foam under your wire form and cut out strips of foam and using your foam spray glue affix the strips to cover the wire form.

9. Paint liquid latex over the foam.

10. Flatten, shape and mold your wings as the latex begins to dry and become tacky in order to create a leathery texture to the wings. Continue this process until you reach the desired look.

11. Allow the wings to dry over the course of the night.

12. Spray paint the entire wing structure red and allow to dry for several hours before spray painting black highlights.

13. Repeat Steps 6 to 12 for your second wing.

14. Wrap your padding around your wooden shield and staple in place.

15. Attach metal mending plate to the wooden shield and affix your wing to it using the zip ties.

16. Attach your straps and buckles to the shield.