Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fresh paint Within The Postmodernism Style

Paint in the Postmodernism Style

Postmodernism is not so much a style as an umbrella term for artistic reactions to modernity. Usually, that means that the artwork is sentient. Art that is considered postmodern is aware of its own genre and addresses itself.


Approach Art With a Postmodernist Outlook

1. Accept that there is no more use in trying to be original. Modernist art exhausted the possibilities for new ideas and postmodernism is the aftermath.

2. Consider that art is over-saturated with artists, artworks and styles. Postmodernists believe that there is no need for a new movement in art and therefore rarely look forward.

3. Categorize the different kinds of painting into arch-types. Cheapen the different painting styles by not distinguishing between amateurs and masters within each art movement. Use cliches to sum up philosophies.

4. Do not take art seriously. Approach painting in a joking manner. Try different painting genres while exercising their philosophies without sincerity.

Paint in the Postmodernism Style

5. Mimic an artistic style, but do it in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Do not openly satire the style, but take the principles so lightly that the finished result can come off as satire or parody.

6. Have your painting be aware of itself. Paint objects like paintbrushes and easels into the picture. Paint a hand painting. Stick a paintbrush physically on to the canvas. Leave the painting unfinished. There are many ways to indicate the painting as a process.

7. Have the subject in the painting be aware that it is in a painting. Paint the figures looking out toward the viewer, paint them feeling trapped in by the edges of the canvas or paint them distinctly aware of a painter.

8. Paint in the style of other late-modern movements. Minimalism is often considered a postmodernist style. A lot of abstract art qualifies as postmodernist. Most attempts at modernism these days are considered postmodernist instead.