Friday, December 11, 2015

Create A Darkroom Bag

Make a Darkroom Bag

Once you have set up your darkroom, you will need to assemble your tools for developing your film. Keeping the chemicals and smaller items you need in a bag that you designate as your darkroom bag is a great way to keep all of your materials accessible and in one place. Here are a few things to keep in your darkroom bag.


1. Purchase a medium size bag like a messenger bag. Put a small reference book in your bag. A resource to guide you through should you have questions is a good thing to have. Put several plastic or metal reels in your bag. You will load your film onto these.

2. Store your developing chemicals in plastic bottles that you are less likely to break once you get into the darkroom. Some are concentrated liquids, but others require mixing ,so it is a good idea to have mixed them in a well-ventilated area and stored in a plastic bottle. Add these to your bag.

3. Store your stop bath in a separate plastic bottle that is well-labeled and easily accessible in the dark.

4. Keep a bottle of fixer stored in a plastic bottle as well. Label accordingly.

5. Add containers of any extra materials you like to use. For example, wetting agent, hypo clearing agent, or fixer test solution. Make sure these are also accessible in the dark as well.

6. Finally, keep a timer in your bag so you can be sure to process your film correctly and timely.