Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Volunteer In A Film Festival

If you love films and are fascinated with the movie-making genre, then volunteering at film festivals would be ideal for you. Volunteers work hard, but the rewards are great. You may meet interesting people from the industry. Volunteers see movies--some that even end up winning Academy Awards--before they hit the big screen.


1. Contact film schools. You don't have to live in Hollywood or New York City to have access to film schools. Most metropolitan cities have them. Contact these institutions to find out about upcoming festivals.

2. Decide upon the types of film festival that you'd like to volunteer. There are many, so choose the ones that are the most interesting to you.

3. Fill out a volunteer form. Once you decide for which festival you'd like to volunteer, you can fill out a form in person or online.

4. Prepare to attend meetings before the start of the festivals. How many meetings depends on the festival. The Los Angeles Film Festival requires one or two meetings. In these meetings, you'll find out what the staff expects from you.

5. If you live in the Seattle, Washington, area, join S.I.F.F. The S.I.F.F. is Seattle's International Film Festival, and the volunteers "will work for film."