Friday, September 19, 2014

Canvas Art Projects

Canvas Art Projects

A blank canvas can intimidate adults and kids. Learning paint on a canvas isn't as hard as it looks and should provide a fun and enjoyable experience. Get some basic materials such as acrylic paints, a variety of paintbrush sizes and painter's tape in order to have easy canvas paintings just hours away.

Geometric Design

Select a medium-sized canvas to create a simple modern canvas painting. Place strips of tape directly onto the canvas, dividing the canvas area into shapes and angles. Add as many stripes of tape as you'd like until you've created an interesting geometric design.

Use acrylic paint and paint in areas of the canvas using the tape as a guideline. Shapes created by the tape can be one color, or acrylic paint can be mixed together to create other colors or blended areas of paint. Paint the entire canvas and taped areas until there is no white of the canvas showing. Make sure to paint the sides of the canvas also. Allow the painting to dry for at least one hour.

When the acrylic paint is dry, gently begin peeling paint away from the canvas. The white of the canvas will show creating distinct lines separating the areas of color on the canvas. Sign the painting in the corner and hang on a wall to enjoy.

Texture Painting

Create a textural modern painting by using items from the pantry, such as pasta or rice, along with a pencil, strong craft glue, acrylic paint and brushes. Select a medium to large canvas to work with, and divide the canvas into sections using the pencil: Make three straight lines anywhere on the canvas, along with two curved lines. Select one shape to use, and draw it within an area of the canvas.

Use pantry items to create texture within one or all areas of the canvas. Brush glue onto a selected area. Press dried pastas or rice onto the glue in a design or pattern, and allow to dry.

When the areas you have glued on the canvas have dried, check that you've properly secured the pantry items. Select a color of acrylic paint to paint each section of the painting. Gently paint over glued items to ensure they remain intact.

Sign the painting and hang on a wall when finished.


Paint a realistic self-portrait on a small canvas using a photograph as a guide. Sketch out the self-portrait before working with acrylic paints. Make the face the main focus of the painting. Start by painting large areas of color first and allowing them to dry before adding details. Use small brushes to create details such as eyes and hair.