Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Qualities Of Birthmarks

A birthmark is a mark upon the skin that is colored and sometimes raised. A birthmark can be present at birth, or can appear shortly after birth. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, birthmarks are created due to the malformation of pigment cells or blood vessels. Though most birthmarks are permanent, some types will fade with time. Birthmarks are usually harmless. Some birthmarks however, may require treatment due to their growth or for cosmetic purposes. There are various types of birthmarks, and each has its own distinguishing features.

Cafe Au Lait

A cafe au lait birthmark is one of the most common type of birthmarks. Cafe au lait birthmarks are permanent, and are characterized by a light, coffee color. This type of birthmark can appear anywhere on the body. It is normal to have one, or perhaps a pair of cafe au lait spots. Multiple cafe au lait spots may be a cause for concern, as this may be a sign of a genetical disorder known as neurofibromatosis. Neurofibromatosis causes abnormal changes within your skin and can also cause bone deformities. According to the Mayo Clinic, if your child has more than a few cafe au lait spots upon their body, it is important that he see a pediatrician to be examined.

Congenital Nevus

This type of birthmark is apparent at birth. Congential nevus can be a relatively large birthmark that can appear either on the scalp or the trunk of the body. The color of a congenital nevus can be dark, almost a chocolate brown. Some congential nevus marks can grow to be nearly 20 cm in length. If your child has a congenital nevus that is large, you should have your child seen by a dermatologist. According to the Mayo Clinic, having a large congenital nevus can put you at a higher risk of developing skin cancer as an adult.

Slate Gray Nevus

A slate gray nevus mark is also known as a mongolian blue spot. The birthmark looks similar to a bruise. Those who are of Asian or African-American descent are more likely to develop this kind of birthmark. A gray nevus birthmark can appear on the back, buttocks, legs or arms, and can grow to be large. In many children, the appearance of this birthmark will fade in time.

Port-Wine Stain

Port-wine stains develop due to a vascular abnormality of the capillary blood vessels within the deeper layers of skin. A port-wine stain begins as a pinkish mark upon your infant's skin. As your child grows older, the mark will become darker, turning dark red or purple. A port-wine birthmark usually develops on the face or neck, but other areas of the body can be affected. A port-wine birthmark can take on the appearance of a pebbled growth, and can cause swelling.

Stork Bites

Stork bites are another common type of birthmark. The patches can appear as reddish or pinkish spots that are found at the back of the neck, on the eyelids, or between the forehead. The cause of stork bites is due to the accumulation of capillary blood vessels near the skin. Stork bites that are present on the eyelids or between the eyes usually fade. Stork bites on the nape of the neck are usually permanent.


A hemangioma is a benign growth that is found in infants. According to Kids Health, a hemangioma can progress rapidly in growth during the first six months of your infant's life. Once your child grows to be about 5 to 9 years old, the hemangioma will slow down in growth and will disappear. Treatments for a hemangioma usually aren't needed unless the growth grows too rapidly, or there are more than a few growths. Growths may also be removed if a hemangioma is located near your child's eye, groin, mouth or throat.