Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Attract three dimensional

Draw in 3D

Three-dimensional (3D) drawing makes any drawing come alive. While it can seem daunting, drawing in 3D is simpler than it looks. The right examination of an object can help you to draw 3D pictures in no time.


1. Choose the object you want to draw, and sit in front of it at an angle. This will make it easier to create the illusion of 3D on paper. For example, if you are drawing a chair, turn it to the angle of the chair in the picture. You could also draw it from a lower angle, such as the angle of the table.

2. Draw the base of the object first. For the chair, draw the square that will be the seat; for the table, draw the square that makes up the top. Use a pencil and draw lightly so you can erase unnecessary lines later.

3. Sketch in the lines that make up pieces you cannot completely see, such as the chair and table legs. Draw them completely. Don't worry at this point about whether they are visible in real life. They will help you finish your drawing.

4. Sketch in the rest of the object's frame. Move to a different angle if you need to see where certain lines should go. Once you have finished the basic outline, erase any lines that you cannot actually see from the angle you are sketching from.

5. Trace over the outline in ink, and erase the pencil lines after the ink has dried. Begin drawing in the details in pencil, then retrace with ink. Once the ink is finished, add the coloring and shading for the object.