Thursday, February 19, 2015

Draw Images Of People

Draw Pictures of People

The art and skill involved in drawing pictures of people is like most art, practice makes perfect. Creating your own drawn portrait takes some amount of drawing skill to yield a reasonable rendition of the subject matter.


1. Set your drawing tablet or paper on a drawing board or table or your lap, if it's stable. Make sure there's plenty of light so you can see what you're doing as well as see the subject. Lightly draw a grid of 10 blocks on your paper: the top six should be squares, the bottom four should be rectangles. This grid serves as a head-on guide for drawing a person's face.

2. Draw the top right and left sides of the head on the top two right and left squares. Continue drawing those lines downward into the next two squares to make the forehead area, then add in the cheek lines in the next two squares. For the rectangles, draw in the jaw line and chin. Add a curved line to the top of the head to complete the outline of the person's face.

3. Draw the person's eyes on the lines of the intersection between the bottom four squares (the anatomically correct placement for eyes is the middle of the face). Add the ears on either side of the head, level with the eyes. Draw the mouth at the intersection between the bottom rectangles. You should now have the overall shape of the person's face with the eyes and ears.

4. Add in details specific to your subject matter, such as thickness and shape of eyebrows and lips. Draw in other details like freckles, moles or any facial hair. Erase the grid, then redraw any elements of your portrait that may have been erased.