Draw a Nude Model
There is little substitute in drawing and art education for the nude model. Seeing a human body up close and in natural light provides a perspective for students that cannot be gleaned from a wooden model or photograph. If done correctly, drawing a nude model will provide you with insight and new skill. Follow these steps to successfully draw a nude model.
1. Take a few minutes to stare. This is one of the few cases in society where staring is not rude. You should look at the model for a few minutes before you even touch your pencil.
2. Mentally break the body into parts. Think about a wooden model you use to practice drawing. There are major parts such as the chest, arms, torso, pelvis and head. Look at your model with these parts in mind so you can get an idea of how the model's body is situated.
3. Begin with an outline. The most commonly taught way of drawing a human figure is to begin with a outline sketch of the person's form. Try to begin the sketch without looking at your drawing so you can concentrate on the model.
4. Fix form mistakes. Once you have produced a general form of the model, look at your sketch to see if there are obvious differences from the model's body. Use your eraser freely so you can adjust the sketch to more accurately match the model.
5. Resist attempts to go abstract. While it is easy to construe a mistake as an abstract interpretation of the model's figure, the aim of drawing a nude model is to learn accurately represent a complex object. Try represent the model as realistically and accurately as you can.
6. Add shading and detail as you go. You will find that adding detail as you go will fill out the sketch and help you get a closer understanding of the figure itself. You might find yourself reaching for the eraser frequently but this is fine since mistakes are part of the drawing process.