Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Go To The Smithsonian

Currently the Smithsonian Institution comprises sixteen museums in Washington D.C. and two museums in New York City. These museums showcase a vast collection of national and scientific artifacts. All Smithsonian museums are free to the public, and a visit to them can be educational and entertaining.


1. Select the museums you want to visit. Visit the Smithsonian website for a complete listing and description of all the Institution's museums and galleries. See Additional Resources referenced below. Determine how much time is available for your museum journey, and how much time you will spend in each museum.

2. Arrive at your first destination when the museum opens, this will help you avoid crowds as most visitors arrive later in the day.

3. Take a map from the information desk. Adhere to its suggested route or wander the halls and corridors as you please.

4. Read the descriptions and histories of the pieces that interest you and spend as much time as you like observing your favorite displays.