Manga, or Japanese cartoons, have a serious influence all around the world.
In Manga, or Japanese cartoons, the villains are commonly denoted by their narrow angled eyes, making them look menacing and intimidating. The protagonists of the stories typically have large circular eyes for the females, or softly angled eyes for the males to show the difference between the protagonists and the antagonists. Drawing narrow angled eyes is not difficult, but it does take practice in order to get the angles right and to make them look exactly the way you want.
1. Draw a thick line that is slightly curved. Both ends should curve down at a sharper angle, but just to denote the ends of both sides of the eye.
2. Use the ruler to draw two intersecting lines that crisscross below the line that you just drew. Make sure these lines are very light, and use the ends of the line drawn in Step 1 as your reference points. The lines you draw here should begin on each side of the top line.
3. Draw the bottom of the eye by gently connecting the two intersecting lines of Step 2 in the middle of the lines with another lighter, curved line. Erase the intersecting lines.
4. Draw the iris inside the eye. The iris in Manga cartoons is a perfect circle with light marks in them. Draw the light marks in as well. These can appear as all different shapes, but the most commonly used light marks are an oval, typically on the inside of the iris, and a pointed, triangular-shaped light mark on the outside of the iris.
5. Add color to the iris of the eye, leaving the light marks blank. Typical Manga characters can have blue, brown, and sometimes even purple eyes. If you are drawing a specific character, you should stick to the original color of the eye.