Thursday, February 12, 2015

Create A Sci-fi Story

If you love to write, you've probably pictured your work in print. Maybe you sat down and wrote a science fiction story, but putting words on paper is just one of the steps involved. To grab a publisher's attention, you must submit a professional looking document.


1. Develop your idea and write your story. Read other author's your admire to get a grasp on the basic formula for a science fiction story.

2. Proofread your story and edit out any mistakes. Use spell check and grammar check on the computer. Have someone else read your story to look for errors that you have missed.

3. Format your work properly for a professional look. Contact information should appear in the upper left margin. This should include your name, address, email and phone number. Use the standard 12-point font and double-space all lines. Be sure to include your title.

4. Become familiar with the market. Find out which publications publish science fiction stories. Do your homework so you don't submit your story to a publisher who only publishes romance novels.

5. Submit to the publishers you have selected. Use a cover letter to briefly describe your writing experience and previously published articles and stories.

6. Track which publications you have submitted your story to. Be organized so you don't submit you story to the same publisher multiple times.