Friday, February 13, 2015

Draw Flower Demos

Draw Flower Demonstrations

Flowers are beautiful as well as colorful. They inspire people to draw, paint, sculpt and even write poems about flowers. Drawing flower demonstrations for an art class or even a local club of artists is a great way to flex your artistic skills. When creating a drawing of a flower for a class demonstration you must select one type of flower so that the techniques can be learned as effectively as possible. For the example in this article you will learn draw roses. However, you can use these techniques to create flowers of all shapes, sizes and colors.


1. Draw the petals for the flowers with oval shapes. Make each oval a little smaller than the others. Add stems with curved lines that start at the base of each flower and then clump together.

2. Draw the stems of the flower thicker with parallel lines around the stem guidelines. Create the individual petals with smaller ovals inside the flower bulbs. Add thorns if you are drawing a rose bush, with small curved cones on the stems. Create the leaves with oblong football-shaped ovals just below the petals.

3. Erase the guidelines and ink the entire drawing. Let the ink dry and erase the pencil.

4. Color the petals dark red. Color the stems and leaves green. You can add dark green for the background or brownish red for brick.

5. Add pink highlights to the outside edges of each petal. Add light green highlights on the outer edges of the leaves and stems.

6. Blend the highlights into the petals and stems. Blend these with strokes moving from the outside and to the inside of the petal. Do this for the leaves and stems as well. Make sure to do this while the paint is still wet.