Friday, September 18, 2015

A Restoration Manager'S Roles & Duties

There are many different kinds of restoration projects.

Restoration managers work in many different fields. Their job descriptions are similar as the goal of restoring something applies to many types of employment. When you manage the restoration of an area or item, you must coordinate many different departments, as well as understand and apply the best tactics for reaching your restoration goals.

Coordinating Departments

If you are restoring an area such as a marshland, building or disaster zone, it is your responsibility to handle the communications between all the departments involved. You must make sure the teams work together to maintain a fair and practical timeline and keep the cost of restoration down. For example, in disaster restoration while some departments are working to get water restored to an area, you need to verify that the electricity is fixed or working properly so as not to compound the problem due to exposed electrical lines.

Working with Local Governments

Restoration of buildings and ecological areas requires coordination with local governments. Whether something has been declared a landmark or a zone that needs to be redeveloped for ecological security, the government likely has a permitting and permissions process. It is the restoration manager's responsibility to know the proper processes and procedures. The restoration manager also can work with the government to develop policies to help ensure the proper rebuilding and protection of the area being restored. This could include penning legislation and working with the government to inform the people of upcoming changes to current policy.

Acquiring Original Parts

Restoration management includes restoring old vehicles, furniture and antiques. Managing these restoration projects requires tracking down like or original parts to restore a piece to working condition. Depending on the goal of the restoration, you might have to seek out original parts, which can take longer than finding parts similar to the original versions. Developing a contact list of dealers familiar with your market will help expedite the process. As you move from project to project, you will be able to finish your restorations faster as your web of suppliers becomes larger.

Delegating Responsibilities

As with most management positions, delegating various responsibilities helps complete the task at hand in an efficient manner. Assigning different employees parts of the job allows you to oversee the entire project while others handle the details. Once you have decided the best course of action, assign employees specific detailed jobs and have the results come back to you. This could include contacting various vendors, pricing items, filling out paperwork, petitioning locals and even leading surveying teams through the area. You will need to keep detailed records of all the work and will be the point person overseeing it all.