Friday, September 25, 2015

Re-size A Photograph Using Fresh paint Internet

Sometimes, you may find that you need to resize a photo to complete certain projects using your digital pictures. This is a common occurrence because most digital cameras take large pictures. has a feature that allows you to resize any photo, so here are the instructions on do that.


1. Open the picture you need to resize. You can do this by clicking on the "Open folder" icon on the second navigation bar in

2. Click on the "Image" option on the top navigation bar. This will open up a drop-down menu. Pick the "Resize" option from the menu. This will open a pop up box.

3. Pick the "Resampling" style you need for your project. "Best Quality" is the most common option.

4. Decide if you want to resize the image by percentage or by absolute size. Mark the option that you decide. If you choose to resize your photo by absolute size, make sure that the "Maintain aspect ratio" box is checked so your photo will look the same on a different size scale.

5. Choose the size you want your picture. If you want your picture resized by percentage, use the up or down arrow to resize it. If you want to resize it by the absolute size, enter a value in one of the available boxes.

6. Make sure that the picture is exactly how you need it. Once you do this, you can use the Save as option to save the new picture while maintaining the old picture. Just remember to use a new name when you save it.

7. Know that you can resize a photo larger but if you do this, it may look very pixelated. Resizing an image is best when you are making the image smaller.