Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Write A Horror Script

Horror movies are one of the most popular genres in film today. Millions of box dollars are spent of having the crap scared out of you. The following are some ways to help you get started writing a horror movie script.


1. Starting out: The first thing you want to think of is what type of horror film would you like to make. The horror genre can be stretch from The Friday the 13th series to King Kong to Silence of the Lambs. Do you want blood and guts or more suspense?

2. Think of What Scares You. The foundation of a good horror film is preying on the human psyche. Your little (or large) fear can be the catalyst. Snakes? Being Alone? Any paranoid thought, try to write out. This can give you insight on where to take your script.

3. Come up with a title: Sometimes, a title will frame a perfect vision in your mind and help you decide where you want to take your writing. Brainstorm, if you have an idea where you what you want in your script, use a thesaurus or a book called 'Word Menu'.

4. Create an Antagonist: Give this person, place or thing a backstory. Even if none of the information makes it into your script, it will help you give your character demension and reason why they are doing what they are doing. Who are they, how old, what are their parents like? Ask 20 questions to what makes the character they way they are.

This can also give you insight to plot choices, character strengths, weaknesses, etc.

5. Start from the end: Have the ending in mind and work backwards. Most the time with any film, writers will write themselves into a corner trying to figure tie a story together. By starting with the ending you will already know where the story will end and your writing will navigate you towards that goal without convuluting everything.

6. Outline: Write out the beats of the script. Don't start writing the script until you have a dinstinct outline. It is the skeleton of the your script and provides a solid foundation to what you want to write about. Also think of great moments you would like, you can use your other scenes to get up to that point.