Friday, January 23, 2015

Direct Contestant Etiquette Inside A Beauty Pageant

Helping contestants display appropriate pageant etiquette is an important role of the director. Look out for the reputation of your pageant and the contestants by using these tips to focus on good pageant etiquette.


1. Outline your expectations before the pageant begins. Rules about contestant and parent behavior, wardrobe restrictions and other etiquette topics can be covered on your web site, in the entry materials and at your orientation meeting.

2. Emphasize etiquette at your rehearsal. Encourage contestants to stand up straight, speak to others with respect, treat the other contestants in a friendly manner and conduct themselves with good sportsmanship. If there are any contestants or parents who appear to have a poor attitude or bad manners, it is your role as director to take them aside and encourage them to address these issues. The reputation of your beauty pageant depends on the overall experience had by the contestants and their families, so it is important that you do not allow a few bad apples to make a bad impression on everyone.

3. Model good etiquette yourself. As director of the beauty pageant, your attitude and etiquette will be on display from the first impression to the final crowning. In order to gain the confidence and loyalty of those participating in your pageant, you must exhibit exemplary ethics and etiquette, even under pressure. In tense situations, remind yourself of all of the impressionable young people who are looking to you as an example.