Monday, February 2, 2015

What Goes On In A Cattle Call Audition

Cattle call auditions are open calls advertised in the press and attended by aspiring performers. Auditions are job interviews for all types of performers, such as actors, dancers, voice-over artists and musicians. It is during auditions that performers get the opportunity to perform before industry professionals, who then decide which people proceed to the next stage and are eventually hired. Each performer is given a limited time to impress the judges with his looks, personality and skills.


Cattle calls are characterized by long queues, or lines, of people waiting for a chance to audition. Performers gain access to the audition venue simply by waiting in line for their turn or by taking a number. If numbers are not used during cattle calls, plan to spend a long time in line, probably outside, standing in the rain, wind, sun or snow, while waiting for your turn. It's better if you're given a number; then you can grab a cup of coffee or use a restroom, since you can judge when your number will be called.


Introduce yourself briefly to the judges before performing. If you are auditioning for an acting role, you will read a script in front of the judging panel. You may be asked to read a monologue or scene you have rehearsed previously, or you may be asked to perform a cold reading, which is reading an unfamiliar script given during the audition. You will normally be informed beforehand if you will do a cold reading or your own recitation so you can prepare properly. During your reading, you will be evaluated on professionalism, personality and acting skills.

Musical Auditions

If you are attending a musical audition that involves singing, you will be asked to perform your own composition or a song by an established artist. Before performing your song, give your sheet music to the accompanist and guide her on the tempo. You will be judged on your vocal prowess, professional appearance and confidence.

Resumes and Head Shots

After your performance, hand the director your resume and head shots, or close-up photos. The judging panel will use these after the auditions to recall each person's performance. Ensure that your resume provides comprehensive lists of your work experiences, training and contacts. After the audition, thank the judges and leave immediately, without engaging in any chitchat with the judges or other contestants, as this might be deemed unprofessional.


If you succeed in the cattle call audition, you will be called for a second audition for the same role. This may take days, weeks or months, however. There will be fewer people during this second audition. You should repeat your previous performance and wear the same clothes you wore to the cattle call, unless requested otherwise.