Anime is a fast-paced, action-packed and character-driven style. It is unique in its combination of fantastical or futuristic landscapes, deep story lines and compelling characters with real emotions. If you are interested in learning create an anime book, this article is for you. Follow along as we show you the basic steps that you must master in order to write, draw and bring to life your very own anime story.
1. Research the anime that you enjoy the most. Read and watch as much anime as you can. Notice what you like most about your favorite stories. Notice what turns you off in stories that you do not like. Note the differences between what you like and what you do not. Observe characters and poses to see what you can grab for your own anime world.
2. Go to an art story and buy some pencils, pens, ink, a ruler and a good kneaded eraser. Don't be afraid to spend some money on these times. You're paying for quality.
3. Emphasize action. Anime is known for over-the-top action. Emphasize it through dynamic character poses and original action sequences. Draw each character in the most compelling poses that you can imagine. The extra time invested in posing your characters dynamically will be returned by fans who can't get enough of your compelling story.
4. Make the characters expressive. Emotion is key in anime. Characters must show strong emotions. Place your characters in situations where the most emotional impact possible can be reached. Allow your characters to react honestly and with realistic but intense emotions.
5. Structure your page in the most interesting way possible. Lay out your illustrations in a way that conveys exactly and simply the story of the page, but also make sure that each panel holds the reader's interest. Choose dynamic "camera" angles for the drawings. Creating unique panels for your characters and their interactions will ensure that readers enjoy each page.