If you are writing a book, one of your final steps in the writing process should be to format the book properly. While different publishing houses may have specific requirements, some standards apply across the industry. Use these tips to help you format your book before you send it to the publisher.
1. Put your contact information--name, address and phone number--on the first page in the upper left corner. In the upper right corner, put the approximate number of words in your book rounded to the nearest 100.
2. Create a title page with your name centered left to right slightly above the center of the page. Type the word "by" two spaces down and double space again. Finally type either your real name or your pen name if you are using one.
3. Type your manuscript with "Courier New" font. Set the size to 12. This format closely resembles typewritten text.
4. Set your margins for 1 inch on the sides, top and bottom of each page. Set the spacing to double space to make it easier to read your work as well as to edit your work. Align the pages to the left margin only.
5. Avoid using italics in your manuscript. Instead, underline italics. The publisher can convert them into the proper form when the book goes to press.
6. Spell out numbers. Don't use abbreviations except for standard ones such as Mr. and Mrs. Also spell out dollars and percent rather than use their respective symbols.
7. Print your book manuscript on high-quality, white 8-by-11?-inch paper. Use only the front side of the paper.