Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Textured Wall Painting Techniques

Use household items as tools to create wall textures.

When repainting a room, you can make the walls look fancier by adding texture to the paint. You don't even need to hire a professional to give the walls a decorative touch; you can accomplish this task yourself by purchasing pre-textured paint, experimenting with decorative effects using common households items or challenging yourself by trying fancier techniques such as faux finishing or wood graining.


If you're working with regular wall paint, different brushes will give the paint different textures. Feel free to use any brush with which you're most comfortable, including rollers, wide brushes, foam brushes or even trowels. The way you paint will also change the texture. For example, if you swirl the paint while using a coarse brush, you can create circle textures that will set when the paint dries.

Textured Paint

Purchasing pre-textured paint to apply to your walls is one of the simplest steps you can take to make a room look fancier. Paint that already has texture in it simply allows you to roll the product over the surface of a wall, which should distribute the pattern evenly. Such paints often come in a variety, including grit, sand and popcorn textures. Textured paint has the added bonus that it easily hides flaws in the surface of a wall. Remember to read the instructions on the can to learn get the exact look you want.

Creating Texture

Get creative by applying wet drywall compound to the walls and using items around the house to create texture on the wet substance. For example, something with bristles would create a texture similar to grass cloth, while running a comb along the surface will create thin vertical or horizontal lines. Pressing sponges and rags along the wet drywall can create a stippling effect, while fabric and tissue paper can create stylish wrinkles.

Fancy Finishing

For a fancier finish, try creating a faux finish by using a roller frame to apply two colors simultaneously to your walls. Different styles of roller pads will create different designs, and your room will have completely different ambiances, depending on what colors you combine. You can also try wood graining -- creating the illusion of wooden walls. Simply apply a base coat of paint on the walls with a glaze, and drag a wood graining tool evenly through the wet glaze to make the surface appear as if it were wood. A wood graining tool should be easily available online or at home improvement stores.