Monday, November 24, 2014

Be A Professional Card Magician

Card tricks are a wonderful way to wow your friends, but it takes real skill, perseverance and a willingness to fail in order to become a professional-level card magician and even more of all those things to become a successful one. If you think you have what it takes, read on.


1. Stock up on Bicycle-style playing cards. These cards have an air-cushion finish that makes them ideal for shuffling, fanning and magic tricks. You will probably go through about a pack a day of cards as you wear the finish down. When they stop fanning nicely, move on to a new pack. You can donate the old packs to schools, senior centers, YMCAs and after-school care centers to reduce waste.

2. Start with the most basic things, and learn as many different shuffles and fans as you can. Build up your hand speed, strength and control.

3. Learn tricks online, but also talk to other magicians. You may be able to apprentice with a street magician, especially if you have another trick, like juggling, that can help him or her draw a crowd. The best way to learn magic is from another magician.

4. Practice every skill you learn until you are not just good, you are flawless. You should not be without cards in your hand whenever you can have them. Use a mirror to help you with tricks like vanishing.

5. Read library books and watch videos online to perfect additional skills, and start working on ideas of your own to create a truly unique act. You should also start working on your patter, or conversational skills, to help retain attention and misdirect your audience when necessary.

6. Have free business cards printed up somewhere like, and carry them with you at all times. Start performing on street corners downtown and for your friends, and always lay out a selection of your business cards near your cash hat. As an alternative, have free address labels printed up with your business information instead of your address, and stick them to your used playing cards to use as unique business cards.

7. Advertise with flyers in locations like daycare centers as a card magician to begin working parties. At the same time, work on perfecting your street act. In a good-sized city, a street magician with skill can make $50 or more an hour when the streets are busy.

8. Audition for magician positions whenever the opportunity presents itself, and begin to send your information with a nice cover letter to places like clubs or hotels, where a magic act might be appreciated.