Thursday, November 27, 2014

Color Grey In Blonde Hair

While blond hair does the best job of hiding gray hairs, it still doesn't make them what most women would prefer them to be- invisible. Having grays scattered throughout the hair can sometimes make the hair appear uneven. Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse or halt gray hairs from growing. The best way to relieve yourself of this nuisance is to simply dye over the grays once a month or so.


1. Put on a smock or old t-shirt to protect yourself from staining against the hair dye. Open a box of blonde hair dye that is specially formulated for 100 percent gray protection. Read the instructions very carefully and put on the pair of supplied gloves.

2. Mix the bottle of dye according to the instructions. Carefully apply the mixture evenly through hair, using a comb to help distribute the dye if necessary. Make sure that you completely saturate all of your hair from the roots to the tips. Loosely pile hair on top of head and secure with a hair clip.

3. Wait for the amount of time given in the instructions, usually anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes. Rinse the dye out in the shower until the water is running completely clear. Slather on the supplied color conditioner and leave on for at least three minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly and style as usual.