Monday, November 17, 2014

Fasten A Bridle To Some Tetrahedral Kite

Tetrahedral kites are fun to fly.

The shape of a 3-D tetrahedral kite makes it an eye-catching sight in the sky. The bridle is the way the string is attached to the kite for kite control and movement. Attaching the bridle is one of the most important parts or getting the kite up in the air and keeping it in the air. The best way to attach a bridle to the triangular pyramid form of a tetrahedral kite may not be immediately apparent.


1. Place the kite on a table or countertop so that there is a top and front established. The front should face toward the person attaching the bridle and the top is the one triangle shape that is upward upon being put on a solid surface.

2. Tie a string firmly to the very top of the top section of the kite. Make sure it is tied tightly. Tie it again at the middle joint between the top section and the bottom toward the front. Check that it is tied tightly by looking for slack in the string. The string should not pull away from the kite.

3. Tie a loop in the middle of the string. The loop is small in size and forms the final part of the bridle, which the string of the kite then attaches to so that the kite can fly. Check that all of the ties are firm and the tie the string of the kite to the bridle.