Thursday, November 5, 2015

Polish Granite Countertops

Granite counter tops add a touch of class and elegance to your kitchen. They are a good choice when it comes to durability and affordability, but can also waste away and lose their shine if not properly cared for. There are several ways to polish a granite counter top and keep it shiny for a long time.


1. Purchase a commercial non-abrasive granite polish and sealant from a hardware store. Wipe off any liquid or residue from your granite counter top. Apply polish to the area and buff with a soft clean cloth.

2. Proceed by using sealant on the granite as an added protection. You can also buy ready made granite maintenance kits to polish the counter top.

3. Mix together a quarter cup of isopropyl rubbing alcohol, water and a few drops of liquid dishwasher soap. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle and squirt over the counter top. Use a slight rubbing motion to bring back the shine on your granite counter.

4. Use an alternative method to polish the granite counter. Make a mixture of ? cup baking soda and 3 cups of warm water. Apply the solution to the counter top and remove any stains and deposits with a soft sponge. Wipe off the excess liquid and buff.