Friday, April 17, 2015

Create A Balloon Arch Using Posts

Use helium balloons to create an eye-catching arch.

There's nothing that says party quite like a balloon arch. A balloon arch can be colorful and huge or simple and all one color. Create columns to support the balloon arch and give it some structure; this technique works especially well for a taller balloon arch. You don't have to pay a professional to create a balloon arch; customize your arch by making it yourself.


1. Stick the pipes or rods into the ground where you want your balloon arch to be. If your party is indoors, use metal buckets of sand as anchors for the pipes.

2. Create clusters of balloons by tying four helium balloons together to form a four-sided bunch. Twist the balloons over each other by placing one pair across the other pair and twisting the stems together to create a bunch of four balloons. If your arch will be multicolored, each pair should be like-colored balloons. Once you twist the pairs, the bunch will be multicolored.

3. Slide each bunch onto the PVC pipe or hole. The balloon clusters should fit tightly onto the pipe, and stacking the bunches on top of each other through the pipe will create a column. Repeat this process for both balloon columns until the pipes are full of balloon bunches. Arrange them as you desire.

4. Make the balloon arch. Connect fishing line or balloon decorating strips to the top of the pipe. Use balloon bunches just as you did to make the columns, but slide them over clear fishing line or stick them into the balloon decorating strips to make the balloon arch. Connect the arch to the other pipe to complete the project.