Thursday, April 16, 2015

Repair Black & Whitened Photos

Display your restored black-and-white images in your home.

Black-and-white photos can be artistic and give a sense of nostalgia. After time, photos can become damaged and may fade due to constant exposure to moisture and light. These photos can be restored to their original state or enhanced to provide a clearer detail of an image, with water colors or design programs. Once restored, these photographic time pieces can be displayed for others look at and enjoy.


1. Repair slightly damaged black-and-white photos by hand painting them. Place black, white, blue and yellow water colors onto a coated paper plate and fill a cup with water. Mix the colors together to re-create the shades and tones in the photo, such as white and yellow to make beige. Using a No. 1 sable or rigger paint brush, lightly paint the colors on to the areas on the photo to restore it.

2. Digitally restore black-and-white photos yourself using a design program, such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. Scan photos into your computer to color-correct them, re-create missing sections or remove water or age spots, using the tools provided in the programs. You can learn to use Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro by enrolling in a course at a community college or through tutorials that are offered online.

3. Contact a photo lab or shop in your city to inquire about photo restoration. If the service is provided, take or mail the photo to the lab or shop so they may evaluate it and quote you a price. Photos will likely be restored using digital software to repair or enhance it. The cost to restore a photo may depend on the extent of the damage, as well as the location of the lab or shop.

4. Place your damaged black-and-white pictures into a photo safe box, which can be purchased at craft or art store. Store the box in a cool, dry place that is free of moisture within your home to prevent further damage. Display your repaired black-and-white photos in a frame or inside of an acid-free photo album to protect them as well.