Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Create A Dance

Dancing is a great way to have fun, exercise and express yourself at the same time. Those who are tired of following someone else's lead can make up a dance and start the next dance craze instead. Here is how.


1. Start with the basics. The spins and flips are the flash and "wow" factor of any dance, but it's important to have the basics down before moving on to these extra moves. Work out the basic eight count that will be the basis for your dance and master the basic sequences first.

2. Get inspired by your favorite song. If you know the rhythm changes in the song it will be easier to choreograph dance moves that will work well with the music.

3. Keep it simple. The coolest dances aren't necessarily the most complicated. Make a simple dance that's easy to follow and learn with a few basic steps. People will be more likely to want to learn your dance, and it will be more likely to catch on if it's easy to follow.

4. Use different genres. Incorporate moves or techniques from a few different styles of dance.

5. Be yourself. Your dance will look more natural and be easier to master if you choose a style and music that fits you. If you like pop music, don't feel like you have to create an elaborate contemporary piece or a hardcore hip hop routine just so people will take it seriously.

6. Create a signature move. Make a dance that's truly yours by creating one move that's your signature. Like Michael Jackson's famous moonwalk, your signature move should be one that's never been done before so it makes you and your dance unforgettable.