The first step in writing a memoir is to make a timeline of the events in your life. The timeline enables you to organize your memories and select the events you feel are the most important to write about. When I teach a memoir writing class, I always ask the participants to first make a timeline.
1. Draw a straight line across your paper and add marks across the line. Or draw a chart by using the table tab in your word processor. Participants of former workshops have found making a chart or table with six columns works best.
2. Add years or ages starting with your birth. You can choose to make your memoir timeline year by year or by decade. Example: 1962...1972...1982.
3. Begin filling in events and memories under each heading, beginning with your birth. You may have to make a few phone calls to family members to clarify memories for you or add details.
4. Study your timeline for pivotal events in your life. These events provide the content for the chapters of your autobiography or for individual memoirs. You can also use your memoir timeline as a reference tool while writing your autobiography.
5. Print out your timeline. Set your printer to landscape so that you can have more room to add more memories as they surface.
6. Hang your timeline near your computer or place it in your Memoir notebook. Now you can refer to the timeline whenever you feel stuck!