Monday, August 17, 2015

Begin A Nightclub

Starting a business takes time, dedication and money not to mention strong researching skills to determine the best type of business to open. Once you decide to open a nightclub though you can skip some of the early researching. A nightclub can be a great source of income because the profit margin on drinks are quite high and you really only need a few employees to work the building a few nights every week. However before opening a nightclub there are some steps you should take.


1. Secure your primary source of funding. If you need to borrow money, you should submit your application as soon as possible so you can find money if one bank turns you down. There are also some fees that you may need to pay early on and it’s far better to pay those fees from your business account than your personal account.

2. Hire a Realtor who specializes in or has knowledge in commercial real estate to find an appropriate building for your nightclub. You may need to decide if you want to lease a building or buy it outright. Leasing might be helpful if you want to spend some time making sure your business will be profitable before buying.

3. Decide on a menu for your nightclub. This is the time to pick the drinks you’ll serve as well as any food that you might offer guests. If you plan on having a VIP room than you should offer some finger foods and champagne for those guests. Even if you only want to serve drinks you should still offer snacks at the bar.

4. Find a wholesale supplier for the products you need weeks or even months before opening night to guarantee that you have those products on hand. You’ll need everything from alcohol and snacks to napkins, coasters and glass. In addition you’ll need to buy bathroom supplies like soap and toilet paper for your customers.

5. Apply for your liquor license and any other business licenses you need in your area and you should apply for these as soon as possible. By opening and running a nightclub without the proper permits and license you could face serious fines and possibly even jail time in some states.