Monday, August 24, 2015

Submit An Offer To Some Literary Agent

You've written and edited your novel, and you've queried a long list of agents. Finally, one or more of those agents have replied to you and asked for a proposal package. This is a great step toward being a published author, but it takes nearly as much concentration and work to submit a proposal package to a literary agent as it did to write the novel in the first place.


1. Write a synopsis of your novel if you haven't done so already. While the required length of the synopsis differs depending upon which literary agent you're submitting to, the average length is about five to six pages. Double-check the website of the agent you're submitting to so that you can ensure it is the proper length. The summary should tell major plot points of the book and capture the essence of the novel.

2. Write a short biography to include in the proposal package if you haven't done so already. The biography should be between two and three paragraphs, and should include information about previous books you've had published, your experience in the subject matter, any writing groups you belong to and any other relevant information.

3. Write a cover letter for the proposal package. This should be limited to one page, and should include information about the book so the agent immediately remembers why they requested a proposal package in the first place. It should also contain the word count of the novel, the title, and what genre it is. Aside from those things, ensure that your correct contact information is present and that the cover letter is properly addressed to the correct agent.

4. Print out the first three chapters of your book, or about 50 pages, to include in the proposal package.

5. Place the documents into a large manila envelope and ensure that the envelope is properly addressed to the correct agent. Writing 'REQUESTED MATERIAL' on the envelope will let the agent know right away that your submission is requested and not a nonsolicited package.