Monday, August 31, 2015

Train Yourself Photography Aesthetically

Improve your digital camera skills by learning visually.

Although you can learn digital photography by reading tips and techniques, some people learn the concepts better with visual methods. Since the best photographers are visual learners, it's even more important to learn visually. According to Gifted Development, visual learners have an easier time learning through pictures than with words. Luckily, you can teach yourself the main concepts of digital photography on your own using visual methods. Gain an understanding of lighting techniques, digital camera basics and proper composition while learning visually.


1. Read books that teach you digital photography visually. Though many books rely on words, most digital photography books are full of pictures and diagrams to help teach different techniques. Try "Teach Yourself VISUALLY Digital Photography" by Dave Huss and Lynette Kent. Follow each concept in a digital photography book by recreating the images and ideas that you see on the page.

2. Order subscriptions to magazines about digital photography such as "Digital Photography Magazine" and "Digital Photo Pro." These magazines are filled cover to cover with some of the best digital photographs available. You'll get insight into what's required to take a great digital photo. You'll also see diagrams to help you use the controls on your digital camera.

3. Find pictures that you like and study them. Determine what you like about the pictures so you can replicate those concepts when you take your own digital photos. Look for pictures in books, newspapers, magazines and online. Create a clip file of your favorite pictures by cutting them out of newspapers or printing them from your computer. The more you focus on good photography, the more those concepts will come out in your own work.

4. Study your own pictures to figure out ways that you can improve. Look for composition issues such as cutting off the heads or feet of your subjects or having a pole behind a person's head in the image. Work on your weaknesses and improve your strengths by studying your own work.

5. Watch video tutorials on the internet that teach digital photography visually. Video Jug has a digital cameras channel with videos on many subjects of photography. Learn photograph different subjects or use your digital camera. Lexar, a popular photography technology company, also has video tutorials all about improving your photography techniques. Look for links to both of these websites in the Resource section at the bottom of this article.