Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Begin A Tradition For Your Kids

Starting a family tradition can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the fast pace life of a typical family, time spent together can have good lasting memories. There are many things you can do to start one. Read on to learn start a tradition for your children.


1. One of the most important things to for your children, besides the obvious obligations, is to start a tradition with them. Something that can be done weekly, monthly or annually makes a tradition important. The kids would look forward to it and it makes for great family time. Spending time with your children is becoming less and less frequent with the advent of play stations, computers, cell phones and a host of other technologically based gadgets.

2. Know at first, some resistance will probably be the norm. The kids are used to going over to their friend’s house or go up to their room right after school. That is typical and should resolve itself quickly if the activity benefits him or her. However, all the activities should not revolve around just the kids. If you were to start a tradition of asking your kids what they want to do, you have every right to have the same luxury. Starting a tradition of family day where once a week or biweekly one of the family members gets to choose an activity is an excellent beginning. Another important attribute is to maintain it. Make sure you stick to the tradition so the family has something to look forward to. The act of having a family together and do fun things can bring a everyone closer.

3. If you have older children then start having family dinners together and ask them to forgo one night a week to spend the evening home. Dinner and a movie is a sure bet to get gregarious kids to stay home. Rituals are important in today’s society. The family unit is not what it used to be. When your children are grown and start their own family, chances are they will start one of their own because they would have fond memories.

4. When you initiate one, try to make learning part of the process. If you have a tradition of each person picking what they want to do, they suggest a zoo or a museum so the children can come away with more knowledge. You can even suggest reading time. Some kids and adults dislike reading, but the knowledge gleaned from a book is priceless. You can make up games, have everyone write a story or tell a story. Your imagination is limitless in what you can do to start a tradition with our children.

5. If you want to do something annually then make it where each family member gets to choose the vacation each year. Disneyland or white water rafting is fun for everyone and can bring family closeness. Camping with everyone is another wonderful way to spend time with your family and create your own custom made family event.