Thursday, September 24, 2015

Write A Bibliography Using Websites

Internet sites can serve as valuable resources for research.

A bibliography contains a list of resources used to give your work credibility. Bibliographies are typically used in MLA-style format and are requirements for such assignments as research based papers. Because virtually anyone can write anything on the Internet, teachers or supervisors use these bibliographies to review your work for accuracy as well as the legitimacy of your sources. Some websites are found in databases and can be signed or unsigned. Websites that are signed display the author's name while unsigned websites do not.


Cite a Website From a Database

1. Write the the title of the article with quotation marks and follow it with a period. For example, "The big remaining question."

2. Underline the magazine title. For example, if your magazine title was "Economist," you would underline it.

3. Mention the volume number, follow it by a period, and then add the issue number. For example, if the volume number was 387 and the issue number was 2, you would format it as 382.2.

4. Note the day, month and year the article was written and then bracket the phrase with parentheses. Follow it with a colon. For example, if the date was May 10, 2008, you would format it as (10 May 2008):.

5. Underline the name of the database, followed by a period. For example, if the database was "MAS Ultra - School Edition," you would underline it and then add a period.

6. State the name of the company and then add a period. For example, if the name of the company was "EBSCO," you would format it as EBSCO (followed by a period).

7. Indicate the library name, city, and state abbreviation you accessed the database, all separated by commas. End the phrase with a period. For example, if you accessed it at Shelbyville Middle School in Shelbyville, Indiana, you would format it as Shelbyville Middle School, Shelbyville, IN (followed by a period).

8. Include the day, month and year you accessed the website. For example, if the date was August 25, 2008, you would format it as 25 Aug. 2008.

9. Type the website address, bracketed by the "" symbols. For example, if the website was "," you would format it as (followed by a period).

Cite a Signed Website

10. Note the author's last name and first name, separated by a comma. Add a period. For example, if the author's name was Jonathon Keats, you would format it as Keats, Jonathon (followed by a period).

11. Write the website title with quotation marks, followed by a period. For example, you would format it as "Oakland Museum's Subtle Facelift" (followed by a period).

12. Type "Available at:" and then insert the website address. Add a period. For example, you would format it as Available at: (followed by a period).

13. Cite the day, month and year you accessed the website and then end it with a period. For example, if you accessed it on May 9, 2010 you would format it as 9 May 2010 (followed by a period).

Cite an Unsigned Website

14. Record the website title enclosed in quotation marks and followed by a period. For example, "East Side Union High School District" (followed by a period).

15. Type "Available at:" and reproduce the website address. Add a period. For example: Available at: (followed by a period).

16. State the day, month and year you accessed the website, followed by a period. For example, if you accessed it May 9, 2010, you would format it as 9 May 2010 (followed by a period).