Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Produce A Poem

Creating poetry is an act of passion and creativity. Together, inspiration, flow, rhythm and organization make the foundation for great poetry. Writing poetry is also a very healing art. It is a great way to let pent-up emotions out. And poetry creates beauty, too!Learn here get in touch with your inner muse, spark inspiration and create a poem.


1. Remember that inspiration is key. Put yourself in an inspiring spot. Be in nature, with a pen and paper. Close the door to your bedroom and put on some soft music. Sit at a cafe and watch people pass by. Be in whatever space inspires you the most.If you still need a spark of inspiration, close your eyes. Often, much of our perception is based on only what we see. Try perceiving the world with your ears and other senses. Feel the wind against your face. Creating poetry can be very sensual!

2. Have your writing tools handy. Start with an idea or intention. What do you want to say in the poem? What feeling or message do you want to convey? Write down your ideas. Once you have an idea planted, the creative process has begun. It's okay, too, if you find yourself filled with emotion with words flowing quickly, without much thought. Whatever your experience is, go with it!

3. Begin writing. Write in stanzas, in groups of short or long phases, using as many action words as possible. Action words are words that create motion or imagery, invoke feeling--that are alive! For instance, "deep blue sorrow" gives an image and feeling. As you write, group your phrases into stanzas. Each stanza should portray a complete idea or experience. Then add a space. See if you can set a pattern of meter and or rhyme in the stanzas. Try to create a pattern using the syllables in each line. For instance, "deep blue sorrow" has four syllables. Make your next line have seven syllables, and then the next line have four again. Play! The poem can be as short or as long as you want.

4. Stay out of self-judgment. Creativity and judgment work against each other. If you find yourself stopping at each word, thinking it doesn't sound good, you must get over it. Allow your words to come alive. Leave the editing for later, when you're not in the process of creating the poem.

5. Review your poem. Read it out loud and see how you feel as the words are voiced. Did you fulfill your intention for the poem? Did your initial idea take off and create a complete experience? If not, rewrite until the poem feels complete to you. It's okay if you leave your poem incomplete. Some poets write a few lines one week, and a few lines the next week.