Yahoo is a Web-based company that offers many services. You can use a Yahoo ID to access all services offered by Yahoo, including email, games and the Yahoo Messenger instant messaging service. If you already have a Yahoo email account, you do not have to create a new ID to use Messenger. If you don't have an account, you must fill out the registration form to create an ID.
1. Open your Web browser and navigate to the Yahoo homepage (see Resources).
2. Click "Sign Up" at the top of the site.
3. Fill out the registration form. You will need to supply your name, gender, birth date, country and zip code.
4. Type in an ID to be used and enter a password.
5. Select two security questions from the drop-down menus and provide the answers for them.
6. Type the visual confirmation code.
7. Click "Create My Account" after you have read the license agreement.
8. Download and install Yahoo Messenger, and sign in using the account you just created.